![]() Event Aggregation and Event Correlation
Event Aggregation and Event Correlation are similar concepts where both try to find events from 2 or more different
monitors that are likely due to the same event. Events are grouped by timestamp, location, and whether a surge or a
sag was detected. While this determination is not conclusive, it is a well-informed guess.
While much of the Aggregation and Correlation methods for determining events are linked are similar, their uses are
very different.
Event Aggregation
Event Aggregation looks to link events strictly from your monitors. The more monitors you have, the more valuable
aggregation is. Aggregation appears solely (and optionally) in i-Grid reports. It will reduce the number of events
weeding out the ones believed to be caused by the same event. The aggregated event that remains is the one with the
worst severity.
Event Correlation
Event Correlation looks to link events from every active monitor. Correlation appears solely in correlation
notifications. Correlation notifications can be configured to be issued only in case the event is correlated, always
whether or not the event is correlated, or never. If configured, when a correlated event occurs on one of your
you will receive a correlation notification listing the approximate distance each is away from your monitor and the
severity. If an event is correlated, it is likely it is a grid event.